Dolphin imaging download
Dolphin imaging download

After a scan has been oriented, take advantage of the pre-set views: front,back,right,left,top,bottom,obliqueandisometricviews. These operations can be performed on the CT soft tissue surface, CT hard tissue surface or 3D photo surface. You can also adjust the objects default yaw, pitch and roll. Dolphin 3D provides comprehensive tools for defining the mid-sagittal, axial and coronal planes. Object Orientation To maximize the consistency of analysis of a 3D volume, it is crucial to establish a default orientation. Views can be combined such as translucent skeletal structures with translucent soft tissue 3D photo facial texture map (if available). Afterthissimpleprocedure,youcaneasilyreviewtheobjectssolidortranslucentskeletalsurface,solid, translucent, or photo of soft tissue surface, or both simultaneously. Easy Data Segmentation You prepare the 3D object by grouping intensity levels in pre-set ranges for soft tissue and hard tissue. Panoramic x-ray image created by Dolphin 3D from CBCT image Processing and analyzing three- dimensional data has never been easier. There are no complicated commands or scripting language to learn. ImageseasilysavedintoDolphinpatientfile ExporttostandardfileformatsandWindowsClipboard FullyembeddedinDolphinImagingsSQLdatabase Simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) Dolphin 3D includes powerful yet intuitive tools for you to process Dolphin 3D display of MRI dataset multi-dimensional datasets. Features Importfromavarietyof3Dfiles High-quality,fast3Drendering Easilydetectimpactedteeth Analyze,visualizeandmeasureairway ComprehensivecrosssectionswithMultiplePlanarView (MPV) Precisevolumeorientation 3Dnervemarking TMJanalysis Createstunning,accuratecephalometricandpanoramic radiographs Establish3D/2Dmeasurements Createmovies Designautomatedimagelayouts Imagesexporttootherapplications,includingPowerPoint, Word, etc. Measurements and digitization can be performed inboth3Dandtraditional2D. It features tools for onscreen manipulation and analysis of volumetric datasets: Images are easily oriented and rotated, and tissue density thresholds can be adjusted for detailed views of craniofacial anatomy. Dolphin Imaging 11 product features D olphin3Dsoftwareisalreadywidelyusedbyresearch/teachinginstitutes and private practices worldwide. of Excellence 2009 Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions Results produced by Dolphins diagnostic and treatment planning tools are dependent on the interpretation of Ye a r s trained and licensed practitioners.


Dolphin Imaging software is designed specifically for dental clinicians and trained assisting staff. Dolphin 3D allows visualization and analysis of craniofacial anatomy from data produced by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), MRI, medical CT and 3D facial camera systems. Dolphin Imaging 11 s TM Ceph Tracing Treatmen ngPlu t Imagi Simula tion tem s A nyw r Sy h e re D o 3D L ette 3D The Dolphin 3D software module is a powerful tool that makes processing 3D data extremely easy, enabling dental specialists from a wide variety of disciplines to accurately diagnose and plan treatment.

Dolphin imaging download